Bottom LineĮasy Mp3 Downloader is a search and download tool that will allow you to find almost any music file you could want to listen to. When you download through this service, it is impossible to tell whether the files you're downloading are coming from legitimate sources or not. Questionable legality: There is no easy way to see the sources of these files. Easy Mp3 Downloader claims that all of the files downloaded through its service are completely virus free. Virus free: Malware and viruses often come packaged with MP3 files. Even more obscure artists who aren't typically found on Top 40 and similar lists were found using this app. Wide selection: No titles or artists that we could think of to search for during testing were missing from the search results. The interface is easy to understand, and no one should have problems figuring out how to use it.
Startup is easy: You just enter a search query and immediately get a very extensive list of results.
After that, you are required to pay to use the service. There is a free trial version, which allows you to download your first five files for free. Easy Mp3 Downloader is an Mp3 downloading app that lets you search a vast database of music files and download them to your computer.